Friday, November 9, 2012

Huevos Rancheros

Admittedly this is not the most beautiful food photo I have put out on this blog but despite this it is a must to share. It's is a classic and I am addicted.

This is the perfect Sunday brunch, hang over cure, soul food.

Here is how you make it.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
2 dl sour cream
2 dl black beans
1 corn on the cob (tinned also works but is less crunchy)
10 cherry tomatoes
1/3 of a red onion or 1/2 stalk of spring onion
handful of coriander (cilantro)
2 soft-ish avocados
1 tsp Spanish smoked paprika powder (an alternative could be BBQ sauce or anything that is slightly smokey)
zest from 1/2lime
Juice from 1/2 lime
4 - 8 eggs (I serve 2 eggs per person but you can reduce this)
4-8 tortillas*
1 medium sized chorizo sausage**
salt & pepper
a few drops of tabasco

* Optional - I didn't use any tortilla but traditionally you do.
** Optional - not needed but is yummy

Don't let the below recipe scare you. It's all very easy and straight forward. Believe me it's worth the end result!

I suggest you follow the below order of preparing the dish. This way you end up making the eggs last as these taste best when eaten directly after they are made. 

Tomato salsa: 
  1. Chop the tomatoes into small cubes, removing the inner seeds
  2. Chop the onion into very small cubes
  3. Chop the coriander
  4. Add half the coriander to the tomatoes
  5. Add a little lime juice
  6. Season & taste. Add more seasoning if needed
  1. Halve the avocados and take out the pits
  2. Scoop out the contents into a bowl
  3. Wash your lime, then zest half of it into the bowl
  4. Squeeze half the lime into the bowl, mix with the back of a fork so that you leave the guacamole chunky
  5. Season with salt & pepper, tabasco and add  rest of the chopped coriander
  6. Taste. Add additional seasoning if you want. 
Beans & Corn: 
  1. Husk your fresh corn and then cut the corn in half in the middle. 
  2. Stand the 1 half of the corn on it's bottom and carefully cut off all the corn, placing your knife at the top and cutting down, long the core of the corn. Do the same with the second half. 
  3. Place the beans, corn and spanish smoked paprika powder in a small pan and add 1,5 dl water. 
  4. Allow to simmer, stir to make sure the mix doesn't burn. 
  5. Allow this mix to heat up and for the water to evaporate leaving the beans mushy and the corn cooked. 
Tortilla - here you have 2 choices - the goal is to toast & slightly crisp: 
  1. Fry them in a dry pan, which means you need to fry at least 2 at once (in one pan or 2 separate) 
  2. Heat them in the oven, low heat approx. 150 degrees for perhaps 3-4min. 

  1. Fry the amount of eggs you want, adding the chopped chorizo on-top. 
  2. Season. 
  3. Fry shortly as you want to keep the yokes runny. 
  4. Season. 
Now assemble all the parts; place the beans & corn on your plates, then the eggs, then the sour cream, tomato salsa and guacamole. Finally grate some old matured cheese on-top, such as gruyer, parmesan, cheddar. 

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