Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yummy Bolognese

I tend to make bolognese on Sunday's. For me it's just that kind of typical and perfect Sunday dish, wholesome, fulfilling for both body and mind. Maybe I make it on Sunday's because I have learned that the really trick it that it needs to cook for at least an hour to develop and deepen all the flavors and become more of a meat reduced tomato sauce rather than a liquid tomato sauce with meat in it.

I always use biological or ecological minced beef or preferably lambs mince. Thats my thing, if I am going to eat meat it has to have had a good life, I have seen too many horror docs of how animals are treated before and after they have been slaughtered. I rather pay the extra for it and go meatless for the rest of the week. In my opinion far to many people eat way too much meat a week. I tend to change up my use of herbs, depending on what I have on hand (usually I have rosemary and thyme). For the rest the ingredients stay the same.
For 4 people (or 2 meals for 2 people)
400gr minced meat
2-3 tins chopped or pure tomatoes
1 big yellow onion (or two small)
2-3 cloves garlic
2 sticks thyme
1 stick rosemary - optional (I use it sometimes, sometimes not)
If you don't have fresh herbs dried versions will work too.
10-20 Capers - optional (depends on if you like them or not)
2 dl red OR white wine (both work, I promise)
1 tbsp honey or sugar (preferably brown, more flavorful)
Cooking oil for frying (I use sun flower oil, I have been told that sunflower seed oil is almost as good as olive oil in nutrients but I can't find it here in Amsterdam. Don't use any cold pressed or virgin oil, its a waste as all the goodies die in high heat).

Begin by chopping and then frying the onions. Once the onions have become slightly softened and glossy add the meat. Once the meat has turned mostly brown add some salt and pepper, then add the wine. Let the wine simmer and evaporate, so low heat, till the wine has almost disappeared by half. Then add more salt and pepper along wit the herbs, capers, garlic, fry this slightly for about 1min, letting the herbs give taste to the meat before adding the tinned tomatoes. Let this cook for about 1min, then taste. Add more salt and pepper if necessary and then the honey or sugar, don't be shy with this as it is key. I always knew that whenever cooking with tomatoes a pinch of sugar heightens the tomato flavor, but not till recently did I even consider doing this with bolognese until my good friend Jessica made me her divine bolognese with honey in it that I have become a firm follower. Now let the sauce cook on a low heat for at least an hour, if you can allow for more then please do, you will see it will only get better. But do keep an eye on it, keep stirring every so often so the bottom doesn't burn.

This on it's own should suffice but I can't help adding lots of parmesan or picorino (especially yummy with lambs mince)
Little tip, I freeze my fresh herbs, the ones that can be frozen (thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, NOT basil or parsley they go all soft and slimy).. this always saves me having to buy herbs each time I need them for a specific dish and also sometimes I have used them for a recipe I am trying and I think mmh, this would be better with rosemary or thyme. I guess it would be almost the same as having a live herb garden at home. I am babeling, I think you get it.

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