Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cheaters ratatouille with chickpeas for the whole week

I don't know how to make ratatouille, I know it's complicated and takes a lot of effort and time. What I do know is that aubergine, courgette (or zucchini if you prefer) and paprika (capsicum for Australians) and since I had that in the fridge along with some tinned tomato and chickpeas I decided to make a cheaters ratatouille stew.

I must admit for this dish I used tinned chickpeas, so not my style, I usually go through the long process of leaving the beans to steep over night and then cooking them, forever it always seems. However on this occasion, since I never got around to using the chickpeas for my original intention I figured a veggie stew needed a little protein boosting, thus the chickpeas were chucked in. i think you could use any type of veg for this veggie stew but then you could not label it a ratatouille, even a cheaters ratatouille. Celery,  heri covert or other long green beans would also go nicely into this wintery dish.
1 aubergine
1 courgette
1 red/green/yellow paprika
1 medium onion (I used red as it was the only onion I had but yellow would be fine too)
2 cloves garlic
1 tin chickpeas
1 tin tomato
2 stalks fresh thyme/3 tsp dried
1 stalk fresh rosemary/1,5 tsp dried
1/2 dl red wine
pinch of sugar/honey
I used a large pot for this dish but I think a deep frying pan could work too, as long as you have a lid that covers it. Begin by chopping the onion and frying it till it's slightly soft and glossy. Meanwhile, chop the other veg, no larger than 3cm each or they will need longer cooking time. Add these to the onion and fry for about 10min. The add herbs, salt and pepper. Let this all cook/fry together on a low heat for another 5 min. The goal is to soften and almost melt all the veg, half of the melting must be done before the tomato is added. Add chickpeas and garlic and let cook/fry with veg for 1min.

Then add the tomato. Add the sugar/honey. Let this cook a 2min, then taste, add more salt and pepper if you deem necessary. Add the wine. Then let this cook with half the lid on/off for 30min-40min, the longer the better.

Most importantly make sure the aubergine has softened enough so that it isn't chewy, nothing worse than hard/unsoftened aubergine.
I served this with short grained brown rice, I love it's nutty flavor. I will serve the rest with bulgar or couscous for a more mediterranean taste and feel.
Bon Apetit!

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