Tuesday, December 14, 2010

For all the Chocolate Lovers

I have a special relationship with chocolate. I love it. I can crave it late and night and will have to go out into the cold to find a store that has the chocolate that I am craving. Mostly I crave good quality dark chocolate. When I mean dark chocolate I mean 80-75% cacao. Sometimes, I crave lighter chocolate, sadly this doesn't mean cheaper, I have re-fallen in love with ferrero rochas, made by the angels. If you have never had the italian Bacci chocolate, you have missed out! Recently, however, I have developed a caramel chocolate craving...yeah thats been tough to fulfill. For a while I made do with toffifee, for me thats as cheap as it gets, but don't knock it till you tried them, addictive I tell you. You can only imagine my utter pleasure when I went into a new candy store scouring for one of my favorite chocolate brands, Lindt, when I came across a pack of lindt I have never before seen, Caramel & Fluer de Sel, and semi dark!!! It was as if the heavens had answered my craving prayer!!!! Thank you chocolate gods, or rather lindt. Perhaps 'The Secret' is right, put enough thought into something and it will eventually materialize. Mental note, must do the same for my new job.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo I want it toooo! You know my love for chocolate is also very serious! And salt i chocolate is such a perfect combination, and whit caramel aswell, lovely!
