Saturday, February 5, 2011

When in Paris

I had the luck to go visit my sister in Paris for a weekend, while she was there for 10 days. We did lots of exploring, but mostly we talked and walked towards food, in some way or another. Thankfully we are the same in that we love to find the local places that serve authentic French cuisine. Two of the top dishes that I were on my 'must try' list during this trip was steak tartar and escargot. I met my goal during a leisurely lunch with my sis. I just wanted to share the photos of both theses delish dishes.

Escargot, snails, yepp, thats right I ate snails and they were embedded in a parsley, garlic, oil and butter sauce from heaven. How they tasted? Difficult to say more than you have the try for yourself. They weren't rubbery in consistency, which is what I expected. They we delicate, soft, without being slimy. Like I said difficult to say.

As for the Steak Tartar, I am not a huge meat fan and eating it raw was a mental thing I had to get over. Once I did let go of my raw meat eating far (silly really since I LOVE sashimi and seared thinly sliced beef, which in essence is raw) I really liked it. I could not finish the dish on my own, it got a little much half way through, but overall, YUM! The meat is of the best quality, mixed with gurkins, mustard, pepper. Again hard to explain the taste other than its very subtle hints of mustard, gurkin and pepper along with very good (raw) meat.

I think the most important for both these dishes is that you get them at a good restauraant casue if either of these are perepared incorrectly or without love  I can imagine how horrid they can be.

Find a good french bistro, and give them a try, if you haven't already!

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