Thursday, February 3, 2011

A healthy start

This is just too easy, and it will make you feel so healthy and revitalized, something we can all use here as the winter drags on.

On another note, has anyone noticed that the evenings are getting lighter by the day? 17.31 now and its still light! This is something all the light sensitive Swedes, such as myself, are very attentive to.

Use any fruit you have at home, I had:

1 banana
1 apple
1 orange
a few crushed frozen raspberries
the following nuts & seeds are not necessary but to me they had a level of crunch and bite. Also all the these are good for you in one way or another, so why not throw them in too?
0,5 tbsp flax seeds
0,5 sunflower seeds (or pumpkin seeds)
a few chopped almonds (or roasted hazelnuts, walnuts etc).
You could also add some dried coconut flakes for added depth to flavor.

1. Chop the fruit, add the toppings you like/want.

Super simple and oh so good.

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