Saturday, February 19, 2011

My kind of midday snack - Nut, coco, oat cookies

I look at a lot of food blogs, lots that use all sorts of inspiring healthy ingredients. Lots of these blogs use almond butter (like peanut butter but made of almonds) in their cookies and cakes. I had a oat cookie craving, as sugarless and healthy as possible. Lucky for me, I had both peanut butter and almond butter at home!

As per usual with baking I made my recipe up along the I have said this isn't very clever as every so often the results are not what I had in mind. However, this made up batch of cookies "hit the spot" for what I was craving. To me this is the perfect midday snack that has a slight sweetness to it.

here are the ingredients, makes about 10 small cookies:

1 dl whole oats
1 dl broken/split oats (rolled?)
1 dl spelt/dinkel flour
pinch of salt
approx 1dl boiling water
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp almond butter
1 dl dried flaked coconut
1 tsp honey
5 dates
40 gram butter / possibly substitutable with 0,5 dl oil or coconut butter (?)
20 gram dark chocolate or more - depending on how chocolate filled you want them!

1. Begin by putting all the dry ingredients into a bowl.
2. Put on your oven and set it to 180 degrees
2. De-pit the dates and chop them up finely and add them to the dry ingredients.
3. Add the almond and peanut butter, coconut+ salt, mix this with the back of a fork, almost mashing it up.
4. Add 1/4th of the boiled water, mash the ingredients together again. Then add a little more water, this is  to help soften the oats, the moisture helps them cook through without having to add more butter or oil. Keep adding till the mixture looks as in the picture below.

5. Finally add the chopped up chocolate.

6. Place the dough in small balls onto baking paper on your baking tray.
 these will take approx 12-17min in the oven, depending on how cooked/crisp or pale you want them.

I would love to know if you like them or tried adding other ingredients that I could try out.

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