Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eggplant Parmesan, my way

I have never read a recipe for eggplant parmesan but I have eaten it, and loved it, and then made up my own recipe. As per usual with my recipes, this dish is easy, simple and only used a few ingredients.

I love aubergine, IF and only IF it's been cooked right. I have made this dish once when the aubergine didn't cook long enough and came out tough, chewy and tasting of card board. Nothing worse.

for 4 servings, i.e., 2 people
2 medium sized aubergines
2 tinned tomatoes
pinch of sugar or honey
1 medium onion
1 tbsp oil (I used extra virgin olive oil)
200 gram parmesan or more
2 thyme sticks or a couple fresh basil leaves (or both)
2 garlic cloves
salt & pepper
baking paper
Approx. 1dl salt

The trick that I think makes or breaks this dish is two very important steps.

1. Slice your aubergine lengthwise (approx. 3mm thick - no more than 5mm)
2. Spread the slices over a chopping board. Pour a healthy amount of salt over the slices. This salt is key, it draws out all the 'bitterness' from the aubergine. A generous amount is needed, the salt will later be rinsed off.

3. Put on and set you oven to 200C.
4. Allow the aubergine to sit with the layer of salt for approx 20-30min. Once there are bubbles/pools of brown water laying alongside the salt on top of the aubergine you can rinse the salt off.
5. Place the slices of, rinsed and wet, aubergine onto baking paper on your baking tray.
6. Cook the aubergines till you can poke your finger into a slice of aubergine without resistance. basically you want the aubergine to have cooked through so it will be soft and creamy inside.
7. Chop the onion and fry in a pan till soft and shinny. Then add the garlic and fry again for another minute.
8. Add the tinned tomatoes, salt & pepper, sugar/honey. Allow to cook for about 15min.
9. Add the fresh herbs, and allow to cook for another 15-20min. You want the tomatoes sauce to become thick. Taste. Add more salt&pepper if needed.

10. Once the aubergines are done take an oven dish and place the a layer of aubergine on the bottom of the dish. Add a layer of tomato sauce (as with lasagne), sprinkle some parmesan over the tomato sauce.
Add another layer of Aubergine, then tomato and then parmesan.
11. Put the dish into the oven for about 20-30min. The parmesan on the top should be golden.

I love to eat this dish with a side of salad, with a dressing made with balsamic vinegar as it compliments the tomato sauce so well.

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