Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A kind of Cesar Salad

Salad weather is back and my cravings for salads with it. This salad is simple and will satisfy the most difficult tastebuds. Basically it's my version of a Caesar salad, crunchy, creamy, salty, yummy! I used a grill pan to get the grill effect of course you could use a proper grill and if you don't have either you could go for the un-grilled version and just fry the courgette and chicken in a little cooking oil. 

The great thing with this salad is that it's both filling and full of healthy ingredients. Avocado has plenty brain and heart healthy omega oils. Anchovies have high levels of vitamin A, which helps cell development, supports vision and bone development. Parmesan had very high levels of protein, which helps build among other things muscles, organs and skin. it also contains high levels of calcium and small amounts of vitamin D! Vitamin D is something we in northern countries are all lacking to various degrees, and is mostly know for its support of bone growth. 

If you want to make this a vegetarian friendly salad replace the chicken with tempeh, make sure to season it so that you add flavour. The anchovy in the dressing can be replaced with 1/2 dl Greek kalamata olives or any other high quality black olives. 

Ingredients needed: 
2 biological chicken files*
1 avocado 
1 medium sized courgette
2 mini gem salads 
1 endive 
150 grams parmesan 

Dressing ingredients: 
1 tsp dijon mustard
juice from 1/2 lemon 
1 tbsp white wine or apple cider vinegar
50 grams parmesan cheese 
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
2-4 anchovy files 

Here's how to pull this salad together in a jiffy. 

1) If you have a grill pan place it on your stove and start heating the pan, don't use any oil. If you're using a regular frying pan you will need to use some cooking oil. 
2) Slice the courgette into 1cm slices. Test the pan by drizzling a drop of water onto the pans surface, if it sizzles and evaporates its ready for you to place the courgette on it. Wait till the pan is hot enough before grilling the courgette. (If the pan isn't hot enough the courgette & chicken won't get those grill stripes and in my opinion the ingredients stick in the grill pan.) Grill the courgettes on both sides for somewhere between 2-3min per side. You want dark grill marks. Place the courgette on the salad.
3) Now slice the chicken into long slivers and grill as with the courgette. The chicken will need a longer grilling time, check to make sure its cooked through before placing in the salad. 
3) Wash the gem salad and endive. Dry and place on a large plate or bowl. 
4) Halve the avocado and remove the pit, then use a spoon to scoop out each half of avocado. Place on a chopping board and slice into thin slices, add to your salad plate or bowl. 
5) Using a hand blender mix all salad ingredients so that you end up with a smooth thick dressing. 
6) Dress the salad and finally shave some parmesan over the top. 

* Biological means the meat is not pumped full of the antibiotics and other unwanted chemicals. in addition the chicken will have lived a happier life and therefore be less tough and in my opinion tastier. 

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