Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Green Barley

I love barley, and I love pesto. This is simply a combination of both in a bowl with some spring vegetables. This dish is done within 30-40minutes. A healthy visually delighting dish.

I have posted pesto recipes previously so I won't repeat the recipe here. Suffice to say, its very simple and very quick to make.

The main ingredient in this dish, barley is high in dietary fiber which, by now, we all know is good for our digestive system. In addition barely has the lowest GI of all whole grains, meaning it will help keep you blood sugar level thus decreasing sudden hunger attacks and sugar cravings. Barely also contains both vitamins and minerals among others  vitamin B (niacin) that supports cardio vascular health.

I also love the vegetable Romanesco, its just got such an amazing look. It's flavour is a combo of broccoli and cauliflower. It's health benefits are; high levels of vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and potassium. Potassium helps keep blood pressure low. It helps regulate the blood volume and it's acidity. In addition it is important for muscle growth. Basically good stuff.

If you don't happen to have pesto on hand, and don't feel like making it, you could simplify and just sprinkle a little lemon juice and olive oil over the top and perhaps some freshly grated peccorino or parmesan and lots of fresh pepper.

Ingredients serving 2:
1 dl fresh home made pesto (see previous posts)
1/3 head of romanesco
1 dl fresh or frozen peas
6 green asparagus stalks
2 stalks of celery
1 yellow onion
Drizzle cooking oil

  1. The barley takes approximately 20min to cook, check the package cooking instructions to make sure as each seems to have varying cooking time. 
  2. Chop the vegetables to bite size and fry in a little cooking oil. You want to retain the crunch of these vegetables but also not leave them entirely raw. I suggest frying them on a low heat for approximately 6-8 minutes. The frozen peas will defrost as you fry them.
  3. Mix the vegetables with the barley and then add in the pesto. 
I hope you enjoy this dish!

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