Monday, January 13, 2014

Yellow Lentil Turmeric Soup

This is a really simple soup. Just throw all the ingredients into a large soup pan and cook and viola! Filling and healthy, could it get any better?

Turmeric is one of those spices that is up there on the super food list. Among other things it has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

2 carrots
2 stalks of celery
1 dl yellow lentils
1 dl brown/orange (mountain) lentils - this could be replaced with regular brown lentils
1 tbsp tumeric
1 onion
1 red or green paprika
1 vegetable stock cube
1/2 tbsp coconut or other cooking oil
500 grams water
salt + pepper

  1. Begin by chopping up all the ingredients. Then fry off with the turmeric and oil in a large soup pan. 
  2. Once the vegetables have been softened slightly and the turmeric covers all add the water and stock cube. Bring to a boil and then lower heat to a simmer. Allow to simmer for 30min. 
  3. Taste the soup after 30 min, add salt + pepper and allow to cook for another 10min. 
  4. The consistency you want at the end is smooth without using a blender. 


  1. This looks yummy, and simple enough even for me. Is this consistency really achieved without a blender? And do I use dried or tinned lentils (did i commit a sin asking such a question?). Regards Kevin
    Ps. Nice to see the 2014 recipes rolling in.

  2. Hi Kevin!
    I should have specified, you need to use dried lentils. They will soften, break up during the cooking process, no need to use a blender.
    Let me know how it went!
