Thursday, January 23, 2014

Peach and Prune, Almond Pie

I love fruit pies, this pie you could change out for other seasonal fruits for other times of the year. You could even thaw frozen berries and add them, only I would first toss them in some starch flour (potato or other similar binding flour) to soak up access moisture form the berries.

The pastry is made of almond, oats, spelt (dinkel) flour, butter and a tbsp of sugar.

500 grams fruit of your choice
+/- 1 dl sugar (I used palm sugar) - depending on the fruit you use you might need more or less sugar.
1 dl almond slivers

Pie dough:
1,5 dl spelt (dinkel) flour
1/2 dl oats
1 tbsp sugar
70 grams butter
1 dl almond flour (ground almonds)
1 dl almond flakes

  1. Wash the fruit and slice into bite size pieces. Mix in a bowl with the sugar and allow to marinate while you prepare the dough. 
  2. Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and then add the butter. Nip and crumble the butter into the dough. Crumble and mix till all the butter has been absorbed and you are left with a dough. 
  3. Allow the dough to rest in the fridge for at least 15min. 
  4. Pre heat your oven to 180C. 
  5. Roll out the dough between two baking papers then carefully place the thin dough into a pie form. 
  6. Add the fruit to the pie and then top with the almond slivers (which will toast in the oven and come out crisp and golden).
  7. Bake the pie for approx. 35-50min. Depending on the fruit you use, berries have a shorter baking time while apples and pears need longer.
Serve the pie with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or vanilla custard. 

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