Sunday, January 5, 2014

Smokey Vegetable Broth Soup

Yes it's been a while. I am sorry for that because I have missed this creative outlet. Anyhow I am back and I intend to continue posting frequently.

This is a soup that has a smokey flavour to it bringing warmth and feel good. It's a great lunch or dinner option during autumn or winter as it's based on late autumn/winter veggies. You could adjust the vegetables according to your own preference. I chose these as I like this combination and flavour.

Soup for 4: 

1/2 Celeriac
1 medium sized sweet potato
1 red + 1 green paprika 
1 whole leek 
1/2 fennel bulb
12 cherry tomatoes (I buy them on their stalk as this usually gives them more flavour)
500 ml water
1 tbsp coconut oil 
1 vegetable stock cube
1/2 tbsp smoked paprika powder
salt + pepper
fresh flat parsley to serve
drizzle of cold pressed olive oil

  1. Begin buy peeling the sweet potato and celeriac, this is best done with a knife and you will loose a lot of flesh not much to be done about that sadly. Chop both these into approx. 2 cm cubes.
  2. Wash the fennel bulb and paprikas, chop into approx. 2 cm cubes. This soup is best with chunky veggies. 
  3. Slice down the length of the leek and open up the layers so that you can wash away any dirt that has collected. The chop into 2 cm slices. 
  4. Add the coconut oil to a large pan and the some paprika powered and all the veggies, lightly fry the veggies for 2-3min.
  5. Then the water and the stock cube. Stir and allow to simmer on a low heat for 20minutes. Then taste and salt and pepper. You want soft veggies and a light broth. 
  6. Serve with a small bunch of parsley and perhaps a drizzle of cold pressed olive oil. 

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