Monday, November 18, 2013

Yellow courgette, fennel & quinoa salad

I admit, this is more of a summer salad. However the colours are just so vibrant that looking at it will make you warmer during these colder winter days.

Salad for 2:
1/2 yellow or green courgette
1/2 medium fennel bulb
1 spring onion stake (using only the greener half)
1 dl mixed quinoa (white, red, black)
half a handful of fresh coriander leaves
1 ripe avocado
1 dl frozen peas

Lemon vinaigrette:
juice from 1/2 lemon
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 tbsp white wine or apple cider vinegar
salt & pepper
1,5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  1. Rinse & cook the quinoa according to the packaging. Add the frozen peas to the last 4min of the cooking time.
  2. Halve the courgette and then slice through the middle. Also half the fennel. Using a mandolin or a cheese cutter shave the fennel and fennel. Place in a mixing bowl.
  3. Chop the green end of the spring onion, add to the courgette & fennel. 
  4. Mix together the dressing until all combined and then pour over the courgette & fennel. Mix. 
  5. Plate the quinoa and then add the salad on top. 
  6. Halve the avocado and take out the inner pit and chop and place onto of the salad and the quinoa. 
  7. Finally chop the fresh coriander and sprinkle atop the salad. 

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