Sunday, October 27, 2013

Butternut squash sage soup

Sage is one of those herbs that is underrated, and one of which I never use. However, it's full of flavour. Soup for the soul.

1 butternut squash
1 veggie or chicken stock cube
2 sage leaves
600 ml water
salt & pepper
1 medium yellow onion
2 tsp coconut oil (flavourless)
salt & pepper
pinch of dried chilli

  1. Dice the onion and fry in the coconut oil. Add the pinch of dried chilli and the sliced sage. Fry till onion has begun to soften. 
  2. Peel the squash and cut into 3cm cubes and add to the frying onion mix. Fry for a couple of minutes. Basically this allows all the flavours to combine or rather marriage. 
  3. Add the water & stock cube and bring to a boil then lower heat to a slow simmer.
  4. Boil for around 20min. Till the squash can easily be poked through with a fork or knife. 
  5. Blend to make a smooth soup. You can add a little more water if the soup seems to thick. If the soup is too thin then allow the soup to continue boiling on a low heat for another 10-15min. 
  6. Season with salt & pepper and taste, add more sage if you want a stronger flavour. 

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