Monday, July 1, 2013

Miso, tofu, buckwheat noodle soup

Simple dish with humble flavors. Even my hubby whom dislikes tofu loves this use of it. Basically it's the classic miso soup with add ons.

If you can find 100% buckwheat noodles then your creating a gluten free dish. 

Dinner or lunch for 2: 
1/2 courgette 
2-4 stalks of fresh spring onions
handful of fresh coriander/cilantro leaves 
3 tbsp heaped miso paste 
800 ml water 
7-8 shiitake mushrooms 
200grams plain or smoked tofu 
1/2 or 3/4 pack of buckwheat noodles 
* optional: flakes of dried nori (dried seaweed)

  1. Bring the water & miso paste to a boil, whisking the miso to loosen the paste. 
  2. Meanwhile, chop the courgette, tofu, shiitake and the white ends of the spring onions into blocks. of 2x2cm.
  3. Add the veggies + tofu to the water & miso.
  4. Cook on a low simmer for 10min.
  5. Bring water to boil for the noodles. Cook according to the noodle package, taking off 1min of the cooking time as they will continue to cook when in the soup. I usually add a little oil to the noodle water as they usually easily stick to each other once they come out of the water. 
  6. Sieve the noodles. taste the soup. Place the noodles in the bottom of the bowls then top with the soup.
  7. Finally add the green ends of the spring onions and the coriander leaves. 

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