Monday, July 8, 2013

Broccoli pesto

My sister first made me this broccoli pesto. I am a bit of a pesto maniac along with my sister and mother. This version is a lot creamier than regular basil pesto.

For this recipe, which serves 2 generous portions you will need:

1/2 broccoli head (steamed or cooked)
handful of fresh parsely
1 dl roasted pine nuts or walnuts or almonds or a mix of all three
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
pinch of sea salt
1/2 garlic clove
2 dl grated parmesan cheese

  1. Place all the ingedients in a blender and blend till smooth. You might need to add a splash of water to loosen up the mixture. 
  2. Add the pesto to your favorite pasta. 
Simple, quick and delicious. 


  1. Oh! It's been so long since I've had you visit The Spice Garden that I came looking for you! And here I find a wonderful new face on your blogging ventures! AND a wonderful recipe for a bright pesto! Win-win on my part!

  2. This pesto is just the best! It's so creamy and light, we LOVE it! Thanks steph
