Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spicy tomato, olive & feta pasta gratin

I love to make this on a Sunday. Its a really satisfying dish. Salty from the olives & feta, sweet and creamy from the tomatoes, crunchy and spicy. I cannot get enough of the top pasta layer, that has a crunchy yet chewy bite to it.

This will give you 4 large servings.

400 grams tinned tomatoes
400 grams feta (make sure you buy the sheeps or goats variety not the cows milk)
200 grams black kalamata or other strong flavored (i.e., expensive, not the cheap-o tinned kind)
2-3 minced garlic cloves
1/2 red chili medium sized
3 tbsp olive oil
3-4 basil leaves
salt + pepper (taste before you salt, both the feta & olives are salty)
pinch of sugar or a drizzle of balsamic vinegar (broth bring out the sweeter flavor of the tomatoes)
400 grams thick macaroni, fusseli, rigatoni etc.. (I prefer using whole wheat as you cannot taste a difference and in my mind this is adding a little fiber to the dish)
* optional - 200 grams fresh parmesan (this add a lovely crisp salty layer, as you can see form the first photo I opted for both version - with & without. The choice is entirely up to you)

1. Begin by heating up your oven till 180 degrees Celcius
2. Prepare a pan with enough water to par-boil your pasta, bring to a boil
3. Only cook your pasta for 1/3 of the time indicated on it's packaging. It will cook further in the oven. You don't want to end up with a soft mush
4. Dice your garlic cloves and finely sliced chili and fry in a drizzle of olive oil. Only for a few seconds as garlic tends to burn and become bitter very fast. 
5. Add the tinned tomatoes, salt + pepper

6. Allow the tomato sauce to cook for 4-6min. Then add the sugar or vinegar. Stir, then taste. 
7. Now add the olives and allow to further cook for another 10 min. 
8. Turn off the heat of the tomato sauce and crumble in the feta and add the finely sliced basil leaves.     Stir and taste. If needed add more salt and/or pepper 
9. Now add the pasta to the sauce and mix
10 Pour the mix into a large enough oven proof pan
11. * if you opt to use the parmesan, grate the parmesan and sprinkle over the top
12. Place the pasta dish in the oven and bake for approx 20-25min. The top of the gratin should be crisp (and golden if topped with parmesan) and the pasta cooked. 

Enjoy with a side salad or just as it is. 

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