Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pesto Salad

This is one of those salads where I just use what I have in the fridge. The key ingredients here is the soft boiled egg, avocado & the pestos dressing.  YUM!!! I am truley a pesto freak. Can't get enough of it, same goes for my mum &
sis. We love to pill it on and down our food in it.

The rest just needs to be some basic salad ingredients. I happened to have some left over seaweed (no idea what the name for it's salty & crunchy and needs to have a quick, blanch - dip in boiling water). 

So here is the recipe - salad for 1:

1 fresh biological egg (this will make a difference to the taste)
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp black olives (kalamata or other strong flavored olive, again this will improve the flavor so don't get the cheap-o tinned version)
1/3 cucumber or 2-3 radishes
3-4 cherry tomatoes
Salad leaves - I used water cress for it's slightly peppery flavor
* optional seaweed "sticks" (sorry cannot find name for this...) it is not essential to the salad so don't go crazy trying to find it.

for the pesto dressing:
1 tight handful of fresh basil leaves
1/2 tbsp roasted pine nuts
2 roasted walnuts
3 smoked (unsalted) or roasted almonds
NUTS- you could also just choose to use 1 type of nut which could save you on shopping & effort. I just have all at home always so for me it's an easy choice.
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp parmesan (for pesto & pasta I use more parmesan but this is a dressing and needs to be loose)
salt & pepper
juice from 1/2 lemon (this to add acidity and loosen up the pesto making it more fluid to pour as a dressing)

1. * this first step is only for it you choose to add the seaweed to your salad. Heat a small sauce pan of water. Once it boils add the seaweed sticks. Pull the water off the heat immediately and fish out the seaweed. They just need a quick 'dip', blanch in cooking language. Pour into a sieve and then rinse in cold.
1/2. In another pan place your egg and cover with water. Bring to a boil then lower the heat to a simmer. Time the cooking - the egg needs max 7min but no less than 6min. Be precise.
3. While the egg cooks, place all the ingredients for the pesto in a blender, blend and then taste. Add more seasoning or nuts or cheese if you feel the need. Just remember this is not a thick paste it's supposed to be a dressing.
3. Check your egg time. Slice your cucumber/radish, avocado and tomatoes.
4. Plate the a handful of salad in a bowl and add the cucumber/radish, avocado, tomatoes ontop.
5. Once the egg is done, rinse for a minute under cold water to stop it from cooking further.
6. Now place the seaweed atop the salad, the drizzle the dressing over the top and finally half the egg and sit it on the top.

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