Monday, April 1, 2013

Leek & onion soup

Leek & Onion soup, much like French onion soup really. And just as delicious. Of course the original French onion soup is made with beef stock which gives it the deep sweet flavor. This soup does not have that same deep sweet flavor as I used chicken stock, you could also use vegetable keeping it strictly vegetarian.

Ingredients to make soup for 4

2 leeks
4 white onions (preferably sweet white onions)
3 bay leaves
2 stock cubes (vegetable or chicken)
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp palm sugar (or unrefined/bleached cane sugar)
drizzle of cooking oil
1,5 liter water
salt & pepper

  1. Slice the leeks in half and wash out any dirt in-between the layers. 
  2. Slice the leeks and onions. 
  3. Add the butter and oil into a large soup pan and melt on a low heat, they add the leek and onions. 
  4. Fry on a very low heat for 10min, stirring all along to make sure nothing burns to the bottom of the pan. 
  5. Season with salt & pepper, and then add the sugar. Fry another 10min, keep stirring. 
  6. Add the water and stock cubes. 
  7. Cook for 40min. Taste add more salt & pepper needed. 
Serve the soup with a grilled cheese or grilled mushroom sandwich. 

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