Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So simple to make yourself and so versatile to use.

2 dl cooked chick peas (can be replaced by large white beans)*
1/2 garlic clove
1/2 juice of a lemon
salt & pepper
1/3 fresh chili or a few drops of tabasco or a pinch of dried chili
1 tbsp tahini (sesame paste - preferably the un-hulled version)
1 tbsp water
2tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Optional - handful of coriander or parsley leaves

1. Place all in a blender, mix. If the mix gets stuck or is too thick add more water.
2. Taste. Add more spices if you like.

Eat on fresh bread with slices of cucumber, with toasted pita and/or cut up fresh veggies (carrot, celery, paprika) and eat as a dip. This is of course also perfect ot serve with any Morroccan metze mix, with your falafel.

* I prefer soaking the chickpeas over night instead of using tinned beans but the tinned version is much easier and requires much less fore thought.

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