Saturday, February 23, 2013

Green thai vegetable curry

As I have mentioned before, I have found the BEST thai curry pastes, full of vibrance and Thailand all you need to add are your own imagination and some fish sauce and possibly a squeeze of lime.

This combo came from what I had in the fridge, left overs. And the combo was fab!

Here is what I used:
1/2 pumpkin
1 aubergine
1 medium sized carrot
6 brussel sprouts
4-6 mushrooms - I had shit-take and they were perfect
1 red onion
2 garlic cloves
drizzle of cooking oil
drizzle of fish sauce
400ml coconut milk

  1. Pre heat your oven to 180C. 
  2. Chop all the veg into bite size pieces - save the garlic. 
  3. Roast the pumpkin and aubergine in the oven for 40-50min. The goal is to create soft but still leaving some resistance 'bite'.
  4. Fry the onion for 1min, to allow it to soften then add the brussel sprouts, carrots, allow to color slightly, 3min. 
  5. Then add the mushrooms and roasted pumpkin & aubergine. 
  6. Add the garlic and fry a moment. 
  7. Add the coconut milk and the curry paste. Stir and allow to simmer, so that the paste dissolves. 
  8. Season with pepper and fish sauce. taste, add more seasoning if you feel it's needed. 
Serve with rice or quinoa or a mix of both. 

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