Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tofu Marinade

Ok, so I know a lot of you including myself until recently, have a fear of tofu. I don't blame you, unless you by it flavored then i tastes and looks sooo boring and bland. Well I figured out how to get around it as I find myself wanting to eat less and less animal protein and probably more honestly, because I wanted to master my tofu fear.

I have been told numerous times by various people that the best way to approach tofu (unflavored or pre-marinated) is by bombarding it with spices, herbs, etc. Basically dump loads of flavor onto it and you will succeed in the battle of bland tofu.

I finally bought the terrifying white wobbly tofu and here is what I marinated it in:

400grams plain tofu (make sure its not labeled silken as this is a more soft almost liquid form of tofu)
1 tbsp tamari (bascially a health food store version of soy sauce, uses slightly less salt)
1 tbsp unhulled* sesame seeds
freshly grated ginger, as much as you like (it's got a real bite to it so don't over do it)
1/2 garlic clove
sprinkle of turmeric
sprinkle of any sort of curry powder, I used El Ras Hanout
Other options would be to marinate in teriyaki or BBQ sauce or oyster sauce, lemon juice and garlic and ginger syrup or perhaps cumin and lemon zest, the options are endless.

  1. Chop the tofu into cubes and place in a tub or bowl
  2. Add all the spices, garlic, ginger to the tofu and mix. 
  3. Allow to marinate from 5-15min
  4. Fry in a cooking oil 

Eat the tofu with some brown rice or noodles & stir fried rice or even on a salad of your choice.

*Sesame seeds are a great source of magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, zinc and the list goes on. As with all things, I have learned that we get the best out of all foods that are left with their skins on, which is where most nutrients are found. So if you do use sesame or buy tahini buy the browner version, which indicates that the outer shell has been kept on. Read more on sesame nutrition here.

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