Thursday, November 24, 2011

Original Pesto Sauce

I learned this from my Italian Colleague, the original pesto combination is made with green beans & potato! Basically you just add potato cubes (approx. 1,5 cm) to the boiling pasta and allow it to cook with the pasta. Add the beans to the pasta water for the last 2-3min of it's cooking time. Depending on how crunchy you like your beans to be.

He also taught me another useful trick to make the pasta sauce "stick or cling" to the pasta instead of just  ending up at the bottom of the bowl. Add a little of the pasta water to a frying pan, add the pesto and allow the water to dilute the sauce os that it turns from a paste into a sauce, the pan need not even be heated. Then once the pesto is liquid add the pasta and mix. E Viola! The pesto will cling beautifully to the pasta. The best part is that you need not use as much oil in the pesto recipe making it less rich.

I posted a recipe of how to make pesto a while ago. I love to add sea food to my pesto & pasta, garlic fried shrimps or smoked salmon with a little drizzle of lemon juice over the top. Heaven!

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