Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sea salt, Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse

This is simply divine. Some foods are just like pure heaven when you eat them, this is one of them. Inspired by a similar dessert in one of my favorite restaurants in Barcelona (Tapac24).

Basically this is recipe is the same as a regular chocolate mousse only you add the olive oil to the melted chocolate. This actually helps prevent grainy chocolate mousse, which is often my problem when I make regular chocolate mousse as the olive oil keep the chocolate from going setting while you wait for it to cool.

Ingredients for 4-6 portions:
200 gram good quality chocolate (preferably 70% cacao, the cream will soften the strength and bitterness of the chocolate)
1 dl extra virgin (mild) olive oil
3 egg yokes
3 egg whites
3/4 dl sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
pinch of salt (preferably flaked sea salt)
2 dl whipped cream
Thin slice of baguette (very thin, almost wafer thin) OR a melba toast cracker
extra olive oil to drizzle over toast/cracker

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan with boiling water under. Add the flaked sea salt.
2. Once the chocolate is melted take the bowl off the pan and add the olive oil. Stir.
3. Whip the egg yolks with the half the amount of sugar till creamy.
4. In another bowl whip the egg whites with the other half of the sugar + vanilla sugar till stiff.
5. In a larger bowl whip the cream to a medium stiffness.
6. Add the chocolate olive oil mix the the whipped cream (make sure the chocolate has cooled).
7. Slowly and carefully fold in the egg yolk into the whipped cream chocolate mix.

8. Carefully fold in the egg white mix, make sure you fold them into the chocolate mix so as to keep it light and fluffy.

9. I like to serve the mousse in wine glasses instead of bowls. Portion the mousse into your choice of china, and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours, if possible allow them to sit over night in the fridge.
10. To serve, toast your thin slice of baguette make sure it is toasted so that it is stiff, like a cracker. Once the toast is cooled, drench it in olive oil and sprinkle a little sea salt on top. if your using melba toast do the same, only no need to toast the cracker.
11. Place the olive oil cracker/toast in each bowl/glass of mousse and tuck in.

I have also made this recipe with cognac, just a little tbsp and I tell you it does add a kick and a great adult flavor. Try it!

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