Monday, March 14, 2011

So simple, so yummy DIY Tapenade

For those who don't know what DIY stands for, Do It Yourself!

This recipe is just way too easy and very versatile, use anything you have in the fridge along with some olives, garlic, lemon juice and good extra virgin olive oil, whizz it in your blender and Wham, you have made your own tapenade. Perfect for pre dinner on a cracker, too boost a sandwich, even to add to a pasta tomato sauce.  Also I kept mine in the fridge for about 2 weeks, no problem, as long as the tapenade is covered with oil, it should be fine.

For this specific tapenade I used:

0,5 dl walnuts
4-5 semi sun dried tomatoes
6 kalamata olives (greek, great strong taste and pricey)
approx 100gr parmesan
squeeze of lemon juice
2-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp Capers

Add all the ingredients to your blender and mix, till it's at the consistency you like.

You could exchange the:

- walnuts for almonds (roasted almonds even better), pine nuts (again roasted better), pistachios.
- Kalamata olives for green olives.
- semi sun dried tomatoes for regular sun dried tomatoes.
- Parmesan for Pecorino or feta or you can leave cheese out completely
- add anchovies (1-3 files) to add a punch
- add lemon zest or orange!

You can also easily add a leaf or two of basil or parsley along with 1/3 of a garlic clove.

So you see for this you can really create your own version so easily!

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