Friday, March 4, 2011

Hazelnut caramel crunch over poached pear & cream

This dish came out of a craving, its very off my usual cooking style, but man it was Goooooood.

Ingredients for 2
2 pears (I used conference)
1 dl whipped cream 
1 tsp vanilla sugar or de-seed a vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
lemon zest
1 dl hazelnuts (preferably roasted with the shell/skin off) / peacans / brazil nuts 
pinch of salt
grind of pepper
2 dl sugar

1. Peel the pears and place them in a pan, covered with water. Add the stick of cinnamon and a slice of lemon zest. Allow to cook till the pears are soft. 
2. Roughly chop the nuts.

3. Slowly heat the sugar, in a thick bottomed pan, the sugar will slowly melt. Stir throughout this process, to prevent burning. Add a pinch of salt & grind of pepper. Stir till the sugar has become a caramel. Make sure the be careful, this is VERY hot and burns badly. 

4. Place the nuts on baking paper. Then pour the carmel over them. Let it cool and harden.

5. Whip the cream, not too hard, adding the vanilla sugar or seeds from a pod (add a pinch of sugar if using the vanilla pod)
6. Chop up the caramel nut brittle. Place a pear in a bowl adding the whipped cream on top and then sprinkle the brittle over the top. 


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