Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Healthy chocolate fudge cake?

So I have been catching up with my favorite food blogs and got very stuck on one particular blog: The focus of the blog being, healthy, healthy, healthy. I was intrigued by her use of alternative ingredients replacing sugar, dairy, flour etc in baking recipes. My family knows I am all into the health aspect of food, and I have done my fair share of making cakes with less sugar/no sugar/ whole wheat/ full fiber baking mostly with no success. However this blog gave me renewed inspiration to try again.

My first attempt was chocolate fudge cake. And I must admit it was (finally) a big success! Fudge-y, chocolate, sweets, moist, YUM.

Now, please forgive but my measurements may be slightly off (I am very bad at measuring while baking, I know bad bad habit).

1 small batch of Healthy Chocolate Fudge cake
2 eggs
0,5 dl sugar
pinch of salt
2tsp cacao powder
70 grams 70% chocolate (mine was chili flavored)
2 tbsp melted butter (something like 40gram)
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 dl apple sauce
3/4 dl spelt flour
1,5 dl hazelnut flour (you can make it yourself by placing whole hazelnuts in a blender and pulverizing - no liquid added)
handful of walnuts or roasted hazelnuts

1. Whisk the eggs till white and fluffy
2. Melt the butter with the chocolate - allow to cool off slightly

3. Mix the dry ingredients
4. Add the butter and chocolate to the dry ingredients, as well as the apple sauce
5. Add the chocolate mix to the eggs and mix
6. Cook in the oven for about 40 min on 175 degrees. Depending on how gooey you want the end result. Keep checking the middle for consistency.

Enjoy your healthy chocolate-y treat!

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