Thursday, July 10, 2014

Serious chocolate chip cookies

I have posted chocolate chip cookies recipes before, and they have also been delicious but all so far have been consciously using more nutritionally rich ingredients. This version is less so. The inspiration? My local coffee spot serves the most delicious chocolate chip cookies. Nothing healthy about them and probably also nothing bio in them. But wow, they are good. So I tried to replicate them, several times actually, each time trying to let go of my wanting to make them healthier. Finally I came to this version, still not as far gone as the originals but close enough.

Here we go, serious chocolate chip cookie ingredients list - makes a batch of approximately 20 cookies: 

4 dl unbleached white spelt flour 
250 grams good quality chocolate
1 tsp salt (don't skip on this as it plays an essential role)
1 dl rosted pecan or walnuts 
100 grams butter (or coconut oil) - softened
1 tsp baking powder

  1. Pre heat your oven to 180C. 
  2. Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. The add the softened butter, mix. 
  3. Now add the chocolate. 
  4. Scoop out cookie portions and place on a baking tray.
  5. Bake for approx. 8-13min. Keep an eye on them while in the oven as you want them coming out pale, almost under baked. That allows the soft consistency that adds so much to the experience of these delicious little bundles of serious chocolatey-ness. 

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