Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chorizo filled Dates Wrapped in Bacon

I will admit this recipe is not my usually style. I am not a huge bacon fan, intact I am not much of a pork lover at all. However I am a strong believer in variety and these ingredients are not usually part of my daily stock. Furthermore, this is a dish I had with my hubby in one of our favourite restaurants in Chicago and it is awesome!

You could opt for skipping filling the dates with the chorizo meat and skip the smoked paprika sauce too, simply wrapping pitted dates in bacon, its yummy in itself. However the more complicated version is well worth it.

In any case, whether you decide to stuff or not stuff the dates you will have an amazing pre dinner canapé to serve.

What you will need for 10 dates:

10 dates (the softer and plumper these are the better)
100 grams chorizo sausage (raw)
10 strips of smokey bacon
1 jar of grilled paprika
1 jar of tomato pure
salt + pepper
pinch of sugar

  1. Begin by pre heating your oven, 180C. 
  2. Slice the dates down the middle length wise and take out the pit. See photo above as reference. Open the dates up so that you can fill with the chorizo. If you're not stuffing you still need to de-pit the dates only you don't need to open them up for filling. Place each date on an oven tray covered with baking paper.
  3. Break open the chorizo sausage casing so that you can scoop out the filling. Mash with a fork and then start filling the dates with the meat.
  4. Then wrap each date with the 1 strip of bacon. 
  5. Place the dates in the oven for between 7-10min, keep an eye on them you want them bacon golden not black. I left mine in a second too long and they did come out black. 
  6. Drain and wash off the paprikas place in a pan along with the tomato pure and bring to a simmer. Add salt and pepper and a pinch of sugar. Allow to cook for 10-13min. Then blend so that you have a smooth sauce. taste you should have a slightly soft, sweet, paprika tasting sauce. This sauce is not meant to be over whelming its just there to enhance the date. 
  7. Once the dates have cooled off slightly you serve them with a little sauce on a small platter 2 dates per person is perfect. 

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