Saturday, May 18, 2013

Salted roasted almonds

Salted roasted almonds. Home - made. So simple. So delicious. Need I say more?

I got this recipe from my mum who got it form her sister. It's spreading like wild fire. Make these you will both impress yourself and anyone else that tries them.

What you need:
200 grams of whole almonds
500 ml water
4 tbsp himalayan sea salt* or regular table salt

  1. Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius
  2. Boil the water and add the salt, pull the pan off the heat
  3. Stir the water to make sure all the salt has dissolved
  4. Add the almonds to the salt water. 
  5. On a very very low heat place the pan back on the stove for 1 min. It is crucial that the water doesn't boil as then the skin comes of which is what the salt has soaked into. 
  6. Pull of the pan form the heat and allow the almonds to soak up the salt for 5-7min. 
  7. Now drain the almonds and place on a oven tray. 
  8. Roast in the oven till the almonds have gone golden and your home has filed with the smell of roasting almonds. This should take between 12-17min depending on your oven. Keep checking on them so that they do not burn. You want them coming out dry, hard, roasted. 
  9. Allow to cool. 

* Chosen for it's natural minerals and additional health properties.

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