Friday, March 22, 2013

Sweet potato barley soup

Another of my favorite winter soups. Barley and sweet potato are a perfect union. You can really use what ever veg you have in your fridge. Soups are always a great way to use up old veggies.

Recipe for 8 servings

8 button mushrooms
2 medium sweet potatoes
2 stalks of celery
2 dl pearled barley
1/3 of a broccoli head
1/2 fennel bulb
a few stalks of fresh parsley
2 stock cubes - chicken or veggie
salt & pepper
drizzle of cooking oil or coconut oil (my new favorite cooking oil - just make sure you use the flavourless version)
6 dl water

  1. Chop all the veggies into chunks. 
  2. Drizzle some cooking oil into a big pot and slowly fry the veggies, on a low heat for a few minutes. You just want to give them a little time to open up in flavor. 
  3. Add the stock cube & water
  4. Add the barley
  5. Allow the soup to simmer, on a low heat for 30 min. Leave the lid half ways on.  
  6. Taste, add salt & pepper and add the stalks of the parsley, save the leaves for last minute garnish. 
  7. Allow the soup to simmer another 12-15min. taste again and add more seasoning if need be. 
  8. The barley should be soft & bouncy while the veggie soft-ish. 
  9. Once you are content with the taste & consistency pour the soup out into bowls and add the fresh parsley

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