Saturday, September 15, 2012

DIY muesli mix

My hubby is addicted to this home made muesli mix. I am a fan too. Super simple to make and the added value is you feel like you've had a healthy start to your day. The great part is it's up to you what you want to add or not. You could add dried fruit or raisins for added sweetness, but I like to serve it fresh fruit or berries as I prefer that over dried fruit. I like to eat it with a mix of yoghurt & soy milk, yeah I am weird like that.

Here are the ingredients I mix together to make this muesli:

  • 2 dl spelt flakes/Quinoa flakes
  • 1 pack of Dorset muesli, I like the fiber version (brown pack) as it's got no added sugar
  • 1 dl dried coconut flakes, as seen above
  • 1 dl sun flower seeds
  • 1 dl pumpkin seeds
  • 1 dl sesame seeds (with outer shell intact)
  • 1 dl shaved almond flakes
  • 1 dl hemp seeds
  • 1 dl flax or chia seeds (or a mix of both)
  • 1 dl mix nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashew, etc)
  1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl, mix with a big spoon trying not to crush all the flakes. 
  2. Pour into a container of your choice. 

Suggested serving toppings for added sweetness:
- raspberries or blue berries ( I cheat and use frozen raspberries, allowing them to defrost the night before)
- chopped peach
- sliced banana
- grated apple or pear
- goji berries
- chopped dried prunes or apricots
- drizzle of honey or maple syrup!

If you want to add another boost to you the mix sprinkle a little bee pollen on-top of your serving (bee pollen gives extra energy). For more health benefits read here.

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