Friday, August 24, 2012

Midnight milkshake (using raw foods)

The perfect midnight indulgence, sweet, creamy, smooth, chocolate flavored. And the best part is that its Healthy!

This is a top notch example of adapting the old fashioned recipes to a healthier version and while preserving its original yummieness. Here is my version of Sarah Britton's of Raw chocolate milkshake miracle, find here recipe here:

You can also read all about the health benefits of cacao (not cocoa!) on the same page. One day I hope to be as knowledgeable as Mrs. Britton.

Here is my adaption, serves 1:
1/2 banana (added value if it's frozen)
1 tbsp raw cacao nibs
1 dl soy milk 
20 grams high quality dark chocolate
1 tbsp maple or agave syrup, honey might also work 
1/4 avocado 
1 tsp mixed raw nuts (I used cashews, almond and brazil nut)
1 tsp roasted hazelnuts (adds a certain nutella flavor)
1 tsp hemp seeds 
1-2 ice cubes 

Place all in a blender and blend till smooth. You should end up with a thick chocolatey milkshake. 

Mix it up, You could add or replace the following:
Nuts could be replaced by pastes, just make sure your using unsweetened versions, so that your not back tracking on the health 
aspect of this milkshake. 

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