Sunday, September 4, 2011

Meat Ball Left Overs

This dish is so super simple even if you don't have left over meat balls, you can make them (see my recipe for Italian Meat balls).

feeds 2:
5-8 left over meat balls (see recipe for Italian Meat Balls)
200 gram cherry tomatoes
0,5 dl good black olives (not tinned cheap-o olives)
1 tsp capers or more if you like
200-300 gram spagetti or penne
1 garlic clove
salt, pepper
fresh parsley (either flat or curly)
1 tbsp olive oil
Fresh grated parmesan
*if you have some pine nuts, roast them and add

1. Slice the garlic clove into thin slices. Add the olive oil to a frying pan and saute the garlic, till soft.
2. Add olives and tomatoes, and capers, fry till the tomatoes have melted, 5-7min.
3. Bring pasta water to a boil and add pasta.

4. Add the meat balls to the sauce and keep on low heat while the pasta cooks, 7-12min, depending on the pasta. Make sure the meat balls are heated through before serving.

5. Add chopped parsley and roasted pine nuts.
6. Serve with the pasta and freshly grated parmesan.

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