Friday, May 20, 2011

Tiger shrimp, oven roasted tomato pesto salad

This salad is inspired by a salad my sister and I always ordered at our then favorite cafe in The Hague. It literally has all of my favorite ingredients: salad, shrimp, avocado..yum! Also it's beautiful to look at, vibrant colors. Simply put it satisfies both palate and soul. I added partially cook, garlic sauteed beans for added crunch and substance. Canned or marinated artichoke heart is part of the original salad.

To make salad for 1 person

half a little gem (or 1/3 romano salad)
10-12 green beans
5-6 tomatoes on a stalk or regular tomatoes halved
4-5 tiger shrimps
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp pine nuts

pesto + add slightly more lemon juice + oil to make it more liquid (see prior post for pesto recipe)

1. Put your oven on to 100C. Place the washed tomatoes - still on the stalk in the oven for about 1 hour. If you have no patience or time for this step just use the tomatoes as they are fresh.
2. wash your salad leaves and dry.
3. rip the salad leaved into bite size pieces
4. boil the green beans till they have softened a little but are still crunchy then pour cold water over them to stop them from cooking further.
4. fry the tiger shrimps in oil & lots of garlic.
5. for the last minute of frying the shrimps add the beans
6. place the salad in a bowl, placing all the rest of the ingredients on top.
7. finally drizzle the pesto and sprinkle the pine nuts on top.

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