Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rhubarb Raspberry pie

OK, this was a try-out, and it didn't taste at all as good as it looks. But I think this some tweeks here and there it could be a master piece, thus my posting this recipe for you all to try to improve.

1 pie:

pie crust:
3 dl unbleached flour (I used white spelt flour)
05, tsp salt
100gram cold butter
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 egg

For this pie crust don't be tempted to use whole wheat flour entirely, perhaps half white and half whole wheat.

1. Heat your oven till 180 C.
2. Place the flour, butter and sugars in a bowl, mix with your finger tips till it becomes a dough.
3. Add the egg and use a fork to mash it into the dough.
Place the dough in the fridge while you make the rest.

4-5 rhubarb stalks
4-5 dl water
2 dl sugar (unbleached)
2 tsp vanilla sugar or vanilla pod halved

1. Chop the rhubarb into thirds.
2. Place the rhubarb in the water with the sugars/vanilla pod and bring to a boil.
3. Allow this to slowly boil/simmer on a low heat till the rhubarb has gone soft and still holds its form.
4. Drain the rhubarb carefully so as not to break their form. I saved the boiling water, thinking it could make a nice cocktail (prosecco/champagne) mixer. I still have not tried this but the juice is in my fridge as I write this. So if no other blogs are posted after this one then you will know NOT to use the boiling water. just kidding.

almond or hazelnut paste:
100 gram nuts
0,5 dl sugar
1 egg yoke

1. mix the nuts in a blender, till they have become a flour.
2. add the sugar and the egg yoke, mix till a thick sweet nutty flavored consistency. Yes you need to taste. If not sweet enough add more sugar! it should almost be as sweet as a good quality marsipan, sweet but not sickly.

Putting it all together:

1. Take the dough and either roll it out (in-between cling film so it doesn't stick to your rolling pin) or spread it out with your fingers, less pretty result as you see in my pic. Make sure you get the dough up high along the sides of the pie form.
2. Spread the nut paste on the bottom of the pie
3. place the rhubarb on top of the nut paste
4. Put the pie in the oven for about 25-30 min. The crust should be golden and crisp.
5. set aside to cool slightly.

6. Take your raspberries and spread them ontop of the rhubarb on the pie!

serve with whipped cream, vanilla custard, creme fraiche (sweetened with a little brown sugar or vanilla sugar) or even vanilla ice cream!

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