Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easy Peasy Luke Warm Spring Salad

This salad is just so refreshing and zingy, a spring perfect lunch or dinner.

All you need for 2 is:

4-6 spring potatoes (or any other in season) - more or less can be used depending on the potato size
1 dl fresh or frozen peas
4-5 whole fava bean pods or 1 dl peeled fava beans (frozen are less yummy but will work)
1 file warm smoked salmon (this can be replaced by regular smoked salmon only if you can't find the prior)
a few strands of dill - optional (I forgot it last time I made this dish and it was just as yummy)

for the dressing:
Juice from 1 lemon
1 tsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed if possible)
salt & pepper

1. Begin by scrubbing and cooking the potatoes. They need to be cooked through completely.
2. While the potatoes cook make the dressing in a large bowl. Whisk together all the ingredients to make a thick consistency.
3. Cook the fava beans (in the pod or if already peeled or frozen cook naked). If fresh these beans need not much more than 5-8 min. Some like to peel the outer lighter layer off the fava bean, somehow I always think that the skin on anything contains lots of goodies, perhaps cause this will support my laziness of not wanting to waist time peeling....
4. Cook the peas, once again not too long (if frozen I allow them to come to a boil and then I consider them ready).
5. Once the potatoes are done (these are also not peeled but can be if you prefer), cut them into 1/4 and dropp them into the dressing. They will soak up some of the zingy dressing.
6. Crumble the warm smoked salmon into the potatoes.
7. Add the fava beasn and peas.
8. chop the dill and sprinkle. MIX.
9. if you like add another grind of fresh peppar.


hope you like!

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