
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zingy - Lemon, almond poppyseed cake

This cake came to my on a rainy Sunday. I was craving an afternoon cake and I happened to  have an abundance of lemon's, some almond flour and the poppy-seed's where just a perfect addition. The result was a zing-y and meltingly soft and moist cake. the best part was that I used agave (natural sweetner made from wild cactuses) and half butter half safflower oil, making it in my opinion one of my best "heathier" cake ventures!!

A cake of 6 or 8 slices - depending on how large your slices are. Pre heat your open to 180C.

4 eggs
juice from 2 lemons
zest from 1 lemon
4 tsp baking powder
1 1/3 dl agave syrup
2,3 dl spelt (dinkel) flour
1 dl poppy seeds
1 1/3 dl almond flour (ground almonds)
1 dl safflower (bio) oil or other neutral tasting oil
70 gram butter (leave out to soften)

  1. Beat the eggs and agave syrup till white and fluffy. 
  2. Add the oil and keep beating, then add the softened butter, keep beating. 
  3. Add the lemon zest & juice and beat.
  4. While still beating add the poppy seeds, baking powder, almond flour and spelt flour. 
  5. Mix. 
  6. Butter your cake form (I used a round 20cm diameter form). You could also use a rectangular form.
  7. Bake in them middle of the oven for about 1 hour. Check it after 50min, by sticking a fork or other sharp instrument into the middle of the cake to see if the fork comes out dry or sticky. You don't want the cake becoming dry. 
Enjoy with a cup of green tea!

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