
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby Zucchini Flower & Chevre Omelette

I saw a recipe similar to this and then my local Bio store happened to have a few baby zucchini's with the flowers still on them...So I had to give this a go! I must admit, I have never eaten zuchini flowers before, let alone cooked with them.
The verdict, I liked the omelette. The baby zucchini's & their flowers were yummy, slightly more "green tasting" than it's larger version. This won't be a regular dish on my cooking roster, but it was fun to try.
Omelette for two:
5 eggs
4 baby zuchini's & their flowers
1 garlic clove
salt & pepper
300 gram chevre (goat's cheese)
sprinkle of fresh or dried thyme
1 tbsp olive oil

  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl, and beat till the egg whites have mixed with the egg yolks. 
  2. Add salt and paper and beat more. 
  3. Slice the zuchini thinly, leave the flower heads whole. 
  4. Slice the garlic clove and add to a pan with olive oil, begin to saute. 
  5. Add the zuchini & flowers to the garlic, allow to fry on low heat. Allow to fry for about 5min. So that the garlic & zuchini becomes golden-ish and soft. 
  6. Add the egg mix to the pan and once the egg has become firm under (see photo above) carefully push it towards the middle of the pan, so that the still runny egg mix can run out towards the sides. 
  7. Keep the heat low so that the eggs can cook and without the bottom burning. 
  8. Once the top has become slightly firm take of the heat and crumble the chevre on top. 

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